Aware of the central and fundamental role of human resources VALID PLASTIC srl continues its social responsibility's mission which characterizes the company within the framework of the Economic and Social community. All this underlines a fully support of social responsibility's objectives by adopting a management system based on the requirements of international standard SA8000:2014.

In this regard, VALID PLASTIC intends to underline its commitment to all the requirements of the SA8000 standard and to guarantee the constant monitoring and improvement of its management system for social responsibility by defining specific improvement objectives as part of the management review activities and verifying their achievement.

It also undertakes to ensure compliance with national laws, other applicable laws and to comply with the rules health related and safety in the workplace, as well as the environmental protection and the human rights defense. This is why it strives to ensure that the following requirements are always met both in the internal work environment and in the supply chain.

  • compliance with the requirements of the SA8000: 2014 standard;
  1. the denial of child labor in the production cycle;
  2. the denial of forced labor: VALID PLASTIC does not use or support the use of forced or compulsory labor and refrains from using or supporting human trafficking either on its behalf or from other organizations or suppliers.
  3. compliance with applicable national laws on health and safety (Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments and additions);
  4. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
  5. The denial of any form of discrimination during recruitment, retribution, training, promotion, dismissal, retirement on the basis of race, nationality, social status, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, union membership, political opinions, age and any other condition that may give rise to discrimination; the refusal to undergo in any case the personnel to test pregnancy or virginity;
  6. Respect for the dignity of the person, denying any form of disciplinary procedures aimed at corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, verbal abuse addressed to the personnel;
  7. The compliance with applicable national laws on working time (Workers' Statute, CCNL applicable to our specific sector);
  8. The compliance with applicable national laws on remuneration (Workers' Statute, CCNL applicable to our specific sector);
  • compliance with all international conventions listed in Section II of the SA8000: 2014 (ILO Conventions, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, United Nations Convention to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, United Nations Convention to eliminate all forms of discrimination, International Convention on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights).
  • The constant monitoring and continuous improvement of its Social Responsibility Management System by the Social Performance Team;
  • A proper risk assessment in terms of Social Responsibility.
  • The attention and improvement of the SAW monitoring.
  • The disclosure of the SA8000 Social Report;
  • the documentation and spread of the Social Responsibility policy.
  • The involvement of all staff in the management of the Social Responsibility System.
  • The resolution of all possible non-conformities found through suitable corrective and preventive actions.
  • The access to premises during audits performed by the certification body for announced or unannounced audits.
The Social Responsibility Policy is documented and posted at various parts of the Company available to all personnel. It is also available on the company internet site for all the identified stakeholders and monitors. VALID PLASTIC thus identifies its stakeholders:

Staff is considered an element of primary importance. The Company therefore undertakes to ensure compliance with the rules on the employment relationship and to contribute to the affirmation of a positive, open, dynamic and transparent work environment.
Suppliers / Subcontractors
The relationship with suppliers / sub-suppliers is based on mutual interest and respect for human rights, ethical principles and social responsibility. VALID PLASTIC therefore undertakes to keep active and constant dialogue and monitoring throughout the supply chain.

The Client
VALID PLASTIC commits itself to consolidate over time a profitable and satisfying partnership for both parties, through the guarantee of an efficient service / product, the compliance with the SA8000 requirements and the code of ethics, transparency in all activities.

They are considered vital and fundamental elements for the company, the true tool for the realization of concrete initiatives and for the collective growth of the company itself.

The Community
VALID PLASTIC undertakes to keep the external communication active and constantly updated regarding the management of its Social Responsibility System. The systematic collection of management data and the continuous comparison help in defining the conditions for a review of the Management System to intervene in the critical points / processes / procedures and to keep active a process of continuous improvement.
The monitors of the SAW Observatory
VALID PLASTIC has identified the monitors to be involved in the CISE SAW Observatory.
The Directorate periodically reviews this policy to verify its suitability and effectiveness in relation to internal and external changes.

The Directorate R. VALERI